Perfection puts up a wall between us and others.
We try and fulfil it always, whether while posing for photos or just while living our lives. Perfection only shows our sparkly parts, our masks that we wear when we are secretly afraid that no one will accept the real us. It proves that we are the good, little girls everybody wants us to be after all. But perfection forms a barrier. As in the end it is only half the story; a short moment, a fraction of what is really going on.
But we are all humans and we are more complex than that! We are raw and awkward, have stretch marks, cellulite, own our fears and dreams that are so fragile that we barely dare to bring them to life.
We dare you to show your imperfection and your authenticity, let everyone see your richness and glory.
Imperfection is so much more than perfection could ever hope for: it’s human, it’s wonderful, and it is real!
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